
Search is a key feature of any marketplace and one of the hardest to get right. At SideDish we give you full control over what’s searchable, the order of the results, and what filters are shown.

How it works

When defining a Product Type you set the dynamic properties of a product, and choose what fields are searchable. We will only index those fields. Be sure to choose only what makes sense, as noise can affect the quality of your search results.

Then in the store settings, you can define a custom ranking, meaning what fields gets precedence in the search results. This is especially useful if you want the title of a product to get more prominence than the description, or a field that isn’t even shown on the card.


Facets, are search refinements, and they allow your users to filter the search results. You define facets in the Store Page by just including a filter refinement box in the layout. We will automatically index the values, so there is no more work for you.

Search analytics

Search data is kept so you can make informed decisions about your marketplace strategy. We show you the top searches, searches without results, and top filters.