Collecting reviews

Reviews are a great way to get feedback from your users. They are also a great way to build trust with your customers. SideDish supports both textual reviews as well as ratings score. You can choose either one.

Adding a review box to a product page is easy and done in the Product Type page layout design. Once its added, you’ll start collecting reviews and comments from your users.

If you want reviews to show user’s name, picture and company, you need to set the user’s name, picture & company in the user session so that the review can show these.

Managing reviews

Once a product has collected reviews, we will allow you to manage them in the Dashboard app. You can see all the reviews from all products, or go to a specific product page and see the reviews for that product only. Then you can administer reviews, approve them, or delete them. You can also reply to reviews, and if you wish you can turn this on for merchants as well.

Reviews and merchants

Merchants will get notified of new reviews.

It’s up to you if you want to allow merchants to respond to reviews or turn this feature off.

Reviews analytics

We will show you the average score, the devision of reviews by score, and their amount.