Merchants approval

Once a merchant is created, they are by default unpublished. You’ll need to set them to published in the Dashboard app, or by using the API.

It is up to you if you want to require merchants to go through a review process, or to automatically publish all new merchants. This setting can be set in the Store settings page.

You can also set a checklist for your team to follow when approving merchants. This can be done in the Store settings page.

We will keep track of the checklist review for every new merchant, and will notify you if you need to review the merchants.

Product approval

You can either create an open marketplace, where merchants can publish products without going through a review process, or you can create a closed marketplace, where every new product must be first reviewed by your team. This setting can be set in the Store settings page.

You can also set a checklist for your team to follow when approving products. We will keep track of the checklist review items for every new product.

We’ve designed Product revisions as a way for your merchants to submit changes to products. Once submitted, your team can review the changes and decide whether to accept the changes or reject them.