Some building blocks include other building blocks, and you can even run the entire marketplace from one single embeddable component. However, we provide a wide variety of building blocks to help you pick and choose the ones that fit your needs, and to enable you to fit the exact component in your app.

Embeddable components

  • Store page
  • Product page
  • Products list (with filters)
  • Product’s reviews

User embeddable components

  • My purchases
  • My likes
  • My reviews

Merchants embeddable components

  • Merchant page
  • Merchant profile
  • Merchant’s team management
  • Merchant’s analytics
  • Merchant’s payment settings
  • Managing products
  • Managing revisions
  • Manage reviews
  • Manage purchases
  • Manage payments (and refunds)

Set pages urls

In order for links in your marketplace to reflect the urls that you include the components, you’ll need to set the urls in the store settings. You can do this in the store settings page.