OpenAPI is available at


We support three methods of authentication: API Key, SideDish User token, or an End User token. Read more about it here.

Levels of Authorization

Our API endpoints are divided to Management and to End user endpoints. Management endpoints are meant to be used by store owners, you. End user endpoints are meant to be used by your customers, either by our prebuilt embeddables or by you impersonating an end user.

For instance, in order for you to manage your store, you’ll want to access the PUT /stores/{storeId} endpoint. This endpoint is only available to management tokens- API keys, or SideDish user tokens.

Some endpoints are shared among levels- both to management and end users. However, the response will be different and return limited fields for the end user.


Our infrastructure is designed with security in mind. We allow you to set different permissions and roles to your team members, as well as for merchants to assign different roles to their teams. Read more about it here.