Lists are used to define fields with predefined options. Lists can be used to describe products, or to describe merchants.

Use cases:

  • Collections (like “New”, “Featured”, “Top sellers”)
  • Categories (like “Marketing”, “Sales”)
  • Tags
  • Use cases
  • Markets or supported countries
  • Supported products
  • Languages
  • Subscritipion tiers (like “Lite”, “Pro”, “Enterprise”)
  • Tiers (like “Premium”, “Gold”, “Silver”)
  • Badges (like “Verified”, “Certified”)

Supported properties for lists

  • Name
  • Description (Internal and only used to describe the list for fellow team mates)
  • Support for sub-items
  • Support for slugs (Slugs are unique across the entire store)
  • Support for images
  • Support for CSS classes
  • Support for manual ordering

Predefined lists

We offer several predefined lists:

  • Countries
  • Languages

(These come with their flag, and ISO code)