Communcation is key to any marketplace. You can use SideDish to send out emails to your customers, or you can email them directly using the webhooks feature.

Emails for merchants

  • Merchant access invite
  • Merchant access revoked
  • Product published
  • Product unpublished
  • Revision rejected

Emails for users

  • Purchase successful
  • Purchase failed
  • Subscription cancelled
  • Subscription expired
  • Subscription renewed
  • New product for merchant they follow
  • New version for a product they purchased


You can change the branding on the emails sent. This includes the logo, the color scheme, and the text.

Customizing emails

If you want to customize the emails, we suggest using the webhooks feature.

Email sender

By default, all emails are sent from our domain. This can cause emails to be marked as spam due to the links in the email not matching the domain of the sender. If you would like to set up emails to send from your own domain, use a custom domain. In order to do this, you’ll need to verify your domain using DNS records.