Our goal is to make sure you have as much data as possible to operate your marketplace. Data is tracked automatically on embeddable components. If you use the API and have built a frontend of your own, you will need to submit events to us for us to store and process them.


  • Currently visiting
  • Page views
  • Visitors
  • Visit duration
  • Top products
  • Top searches
  • Searches without results
  • Top filters


  • Top purchases
  • Number of purchases
  • Total revenue
  • Average sale price
  • Conversion rate
  • Refunds
  • New subscriptions
  • Subscription cancellations

Let us know if you want to add more metrics by email us at hi@sidedish.dev.

External providers

We are BETA testing support for external analytics providers. If you want to use a third party analytics provider, please reach out to us at hi@sidedish.dev.